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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Indonesia Tourism PlaceTanakita Camping 5 stars camp

Tanakita camp is located in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. The location is very beautiful with mount at around of it but the cost is more expensive. That is about US$35/person for a night.

The cost includes another activities e.g. tracking to Situgunung Lake and waterfall area, farming, Flying fox, etc… This place is very suit to spend your holiday with your family or doing company gathering. In the morning, you can spend your time by observing the animals in the forest by using binocular. You could observe it by using boat through of lake.

I just want to say this one is the new Indonesia Tourism in West Java but so beautiful place.


Terumbu said...

Hi there Arief... I just to inform you that I know well about Tanakita, 'cause I've been there for many many... time. I also know the owner, Rakata Adventure, and I was work there. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you to inform about the beuty of our country, but honestly, you didn't give the right information about the photo's. All of the photo's that your published is not in Tanakita, Sukabumi.

Tanakita, Sukabumi have a five stars concept. There's no permanent building in that area, except the office. Hope my explanation can help people get a better information about Tanakita. Thanks again Arif, cheers - Inge Sianturi.

Anonymous said...

So, where this beautiful photo taken then ? pls advise. thx

arif said...

thank you very much for you comment.
Honesty this area is located in Thailand. "that's the last info which I'm get from many source". I'm sorry for uncomfortably.

Anonymous said...

hi arif,

sorry would not be enough. It would be good if you take out this article and the pics as it would mislead people to wrong information.

Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

BEWARE, The pictures is not Tanakita.