Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hotel in Jogja
Medium Hotel/ Melati Class :
1. Hotel 1001 Malam
2. Hotel Kusuma
3. Hotel Cristalit
4. Hotel Mawar Asri
5. Wisma Nendra
6. Hotel University (near with the airport)
7. Hotel Cinka Garini
8. Roemah Djawa Resort (unique Hotel)
9. Hotel Tiger
10. Hotel Peti Mas
Luxury Hotel :
1. Hotel Grand Rosella
2. Hotel Matahari
3. Cakra Kusuma Hotel
4. Hotel Brongto
5. The Jayakarta Yogyakarta Hotel
6. Dusun Jogja Village Inn
7. Abadi Hotel Jogja
8. Hotel Indah Palace
9. Sejahtera Family Hotel & Apartment
That’s some of Hotels I recommended you to stay. Have a nice holyday and enjoy your travelling in Indonesia.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My Ancestor is a Sailorman
"My ancestor is a Sailorman" That’s the slogan sometimes told by Indonesian to their self.They are famous well known as the great sailorman in Nusantara. There are some ethnics are famous as the sailorman in Indonesia, they are Bugis/Bajo’e, Makassar, and Mandar ethnic. They have been exploring the ocean in Asia long time ago before the Portuguese and Spain arrive in Asia.
Some evidence still could be find in Australia and Africa till today is the Buginese traditional village. It has been showing about the truth of the history.
Buginese, Makassar, and Mandar voyage the ocean from Asia to Australia and Africa. They voyage it by using traditional boat well known as Phinisi and Sandeq boats. They explore the world only by using feeling and weather forecast by see natural condition at time. In a book written by Mr. John Perkins “the secret history of The American Empire” explains that the buginese’s pirates are very cruel man. They kill all of the Spanish who come to Sulawesi at time.
All of that has shown the capability of Indonesian specially Buginese, Makassar, and Mandar ethnic as the great Sailorman. Beside of that they have capability to dive without any equipment in Depth of the Sea to find out fishes.
Now as Indonesian we must brave told to our children about the history in other to no any Nations claim it again looks like done by Malaysia.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Green Canyon

Green Canyon, that’s the name of tourism object in West Java. It’s located in Kertayasa Village, Ciamis, West Java, about 31 km from Pangandaran. The name of Green Canyon introduced by tourist from France. The green colour of the river’s water become the reason to namely Green Canyon but before it’s well known as Cukang Taneuh (Sundanese Language) means bridge made of the land. The bridge has 3 meters width and 40 meters length. It’s connecting Kertayasa Village and Batukaras.
Green Canyon in fact is a river with the green water. The name of the river is Cijulang River. The visitor could explore the area by boats with maximal 5 passengers by paying 75.000 rupiahs/boat. As long as the travel we could visit the cave at the river side, enjoying the beautiful hill, playing in the unique boat, and enjoy the singing of the birds at around the forest in the Green Canyon side.
Green Canyon Cave
The view inside of the cave is very beautiful. Stalactite and Stalagmite very beautiful and never stop to produce water. The water distributed to the hill and it’s called as the immortal rain. More over the visitor could swim inside of the cave and feel the fresh of the water. I guarantee the visitors will be getting unforgettable experience.
Picture taken from:
Friday, March 12, 2010
Panorama in Kawah Ijen

Kawah Ijen is a part of Natural Reservation area of Ijen, Bondowoso regency, east Java. This is a very wonderful place. The panorama at around is very great and I believe it’s will make the all visitors satisfied. Sometimes the visitors who come to Bondowoso said that this is the most beautiful place.
This area made as a camping place by the visitors caused the air still very pure and beautiful panorama. The color of the water crater’s, smoke of sulfur makes this place different with the others. The sense is very comfort and could remove our stress and help our self to renew our mind. Moreover the condition here could get 2 degree Celsius so we suggest you to bring thick clothes. Beside of that, you will find edelweiss flower and switch as the main fauna here.

In the morning, you could enjoy the raising sun appear from the tree cluster. The water of the Kawah Ijen in green mix with the blue color and from this place we could enjoy the beautiful panorama of Merapi at near of Ijen Mount. But not easy to get this area, I mean you will be little tired caused must be walking over the path and the caldera hill, its taken 8 till 10 hours walking around the caldera. Once more you must bring masker to remove the sulfur smelt. Hoping me you will come to this place and enjoy the panorama.

Picture take from:
Monday, February 8, 2010
Fort Rotterdam Castle of Makassar

Fort Rotterdam is a castle as the heritage of Gowa-Tallo Kingdom. The name of Fort Rotterdam given by governor of Holland. And it is located at western of Makassar as the capital town of South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
The castle is held in 1545 by the 9th King of Gowa “I Manrigau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung Tupama’risi’kallonna”. Former it is built from clay but the construction change by others King Sultan Alauddin be rock from the Kars Mountain which spread as long as South Sulawesi area. This castle has unique structure, if we see carefully this castle resemble with a turtle.
In fact, the truth name of this castle formerly is Ujung Pandang Castle or called by the villagers there as the Panyyua Castle or Turtle castle. But the pure name changed by the Governor of Holland in Makassar ‘Cornelis Speelman’ become Fort Rotterdam to remind his made home in Holland. By the government of Holland at time, this castle use as the central warehouse of spice in western of Indonesia before sends to Holland.
For the visitors you could enjoy the architecture of ancient building and inside of it there is museum namely La Galigo and the ex of Sultan Diponegoro jail. The museum will be present the history and reference of the Great Makassar (Gowa-Tallo) Kingdom in the past. Of course this is a very interesting historical tourism for you. In the museum the visitors could see strictly the traditional weapon of Sulawesi, traditional clothes and many others.
Source: Wikipedia Indonesia
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sasirangan the Souvenir From South Kalimantan

Sasirangan is a traditional fabric from Banjar ethnic. Banjar is an ethnic in south Kalimantan, Indonesia. This fabric has become one of famous souvenir there. In that area, Sasirangan could be bought in clothes caused it has been a raw material to make long dress, sarong and many others. Sasirangan have various motif and content of:
1. Iris Pudak
2. Kambang Raja
3. Bayam Raja
4. Kulit Kurikit
5. Ombak Sinapur Karang
6. Bintang Bahambur
7. Sari Gading
8. Kulit Kayu
9. Naga Balimbur
10. Jajumputan
11. Turun Dayang
12. Kambang Tampuk Manggis
13. Daun Jaruju
14. Kangkung Kaombakan
15. Sisik Tanggiling
16. Kambang Tanjung
Taken from: sasirangan
Monday, January 18, 2010
Toba Lake, North Sumatera

Toba Lake is a famous tourism place in North Sumatera, Indonesia. It length about 100 km and 30 km width, at the middle of lake there is a beautiful island namely Samosir Island. Toba Island has become tourism object from Holland colonialism era.
According to the scientist it is created by huge explosion about 73000-75000 years ago and well known as the newest super volcano explosion. The volcano explosion make about 2800 km2 material out from the earth and causing ash spread till China and Africa. Because of that explosion made 60% death in the world more over it is claimed make ice era in the world at time although this information still controversial.
Toba Lake is very beautiful place with the panorama at around. It is offers nurturing environment for fish such as Tilapia mossambica, Chana gachua, etc…Various flora organism such as phytoplankton and some fauna likes zooplankton and benthos. Toba Lake has become livelihood place for the villagers there. They take a fish from the lake and doing daily activity by using Toba’s water. So it is not strange if you see there some villagers take a bath and clean their cloths in the lake.
The villager’s activity has made pollutant in the Toba’s water although it is not lack the beautiful panorama there. I give you this information in order to the visitors and tourist who want to go there keep clean this place caused the pollutant which happened in Toba Lake not only made by the Villagers but it is contributed by the visitors too. Some visitors waste their rubbish in anyplace.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Have a Nice Holiday in Kodingareng Keke Makassar

Kodingareng Keke Island is located in Makassar, south Sulawesi. The name is a little strange and very odd in our ear but in fact that’s a beautiful island. It is an island from eleven which included as Spermonde shelf of Makassar.
This island is northern of Kodingareng Lompo, at about 14 kilometers from Makassar town. It’s an oval island content of white sand and various reefs. No villagers in this area but there are cottages there, with cheap tariff and very clean. It is very good place to spend our night by enjoying the beautiful panorama, moreover for the visitors who want to enjoy the beautiful reef; they can rent snorkeling equipment which has been prepared there.
Now, how about the transportations? This island could be taken by boat or traditional boat about 40 minutes from Bangkoa harbor. For the visitors who interested want to go there, the tariff only Rp 300.000 for ten people by boat or about Rp30.000/people. According to the visitors, this island is very interesting with the white sand, clean water without pollutant, various reef, and fish species. So just enjoy and prove by your self.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Gitgit Waterfall (Waterfall in Bali)

Bali is a beautiful island. There so many tourism objects could be found in Bali. One of them is Gitgit Waterfall. Gitgit waterfall is located in Buleleng regency, about an hour from Bedugul.
In Gitgit waterfall you could enjoy the panorama of natural forest at around and get the fresh air. The water in this area is very fresh and pure so you could remove your stress as an effect from working rush hour in a big city moreover this place is good for tracking area; turning path and mounting location make this place offering great challenge.
How to get this place, maybe that’s the question. By using private car from Denpasar take a way to Singaraja trough Bedugul. You do not worry will be lost if you go to there, I mean just ask to the villagers if you lost and they will help you very well.
Picture taken from :