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Babel Fish Translator

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Indonesia Tourism PlaceMy Ancestor is a Sailorman

"My ancestor is a Sailorman" That’s the slogan sometimes told by Indonesian to their self.They are famous well known as the great sailorman in Nusantara. There are some ethnics are famous as the sailorman in Indonesia, they are Bugis/Bajo’e, Makassar, and Mandar ethnic. They have been exploring the ocean in Asia long time ago before the Portuguese and Spain arrive in Asia.

Some evidence still could be find in Australia and Africa till today is the Buginese traditional village. It has been showing about the truth of the history.

Buginese, Makassar, and Mandar voyage the ocean from Asia to Australia and Africa. They voyage it by using traditional boat well known as Phinisi and Sandeq boats. They explore the world only by using feeling and weather forecast by see natural condition at time. In a book written by Mr. John Perkins “the secret history of The American Empire” explains that the buginese’s pirates are very cruel man. They kill all of the Spanish who come to Sulawesi at time.

All of that has shown the capability of Indonesian specially Buginese, Makassar, and Mandar ethnic as the great Sailorman. Beside of that they have capability to dive without any equipment in Depth of the Sea to find out fishes.

Now as Indonesian we must brave told to our children about the history in other to no any Nations claim it again looks like done by Malaysia.

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