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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Indonesia Tourism PlaceStatistic of Indonesia Tourism Income

In 2008, tourist arrivals to Indonesia increased by 13.2%. The Economic crisis and travel advisories warning not give much impact to the Indonesia Tourism. If we compare with our neighbor country Thailand, Indonesia is better caused in the same year Thailand getting security trouble, where anti-government protests closed the country’s main international airport during November 2008. According to the data and explanation of Tourism and Culture minister of Indonesia Jero Wacik, Indonesia estimate receipt income about US$7.33 billion.

However, 2009 Will Be Challenging, one of the most important to increase and easier the travel of tourist is air travel but this country has black note record. In April 2009, the pilot of the Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737 that crashed at Yogyakarta Airport in March 2007, killing 21 people, was found guilty of criminal negligence and jailed for two years. Marwoto Komar ignored some 15 cockpit warnings not to land his plane as he tried to land at twice the safe speed .Reaction from families of the five Australian victims has been critical, with many saying that a two-year sentence was too lenient. Indeed, prosecutors had been seeking a longer four-year term. Certainly, the trial has done much to remind foreign travelers that air travel in Indonesia remains less safe than elsewhere in the region.

However, it is not only the problem for our Tourism, so many other problems that could make the tourism-visiting statistic down, e.g. public election and economic crisis. Public election process could be making awareness to the visitors make security stability in Indonesia unstable. But as Indonesian we must try hard to keep good condition and find other way to increase the Indonesia tourism visiting.

As comparison of tourism statistic visiting, we could see table below.




Expenditure/men (US$)

Staying Average


National Income
(million US$)



















































Source: Statistical Report on Visitor Arrivals to Indonesia

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Indonesia Tourism PlaceThe Paradise of Sea Park in Raja Ampat

Kabupaten Raja Ampat is an area of province West Papua, Indonesia. This area has 610 islands and atoll; four of the big are Misoo, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo. These areas have 4 million square meters land and make it as the biggest sea park in Indonesia. It is make it as a favorite Indonesia tourism place after Bali and Lombok.

The life of animals and sea biota in Raja Ampat is very various than others sea park in the world, well known as triangle world coral, Philippine-Indonesia-Papua Nugenea. This coral has become the hearth of world coral and protected according to the International protection regulation. Raja Ampat could be visited by ship (phinisi typical ship) which has been designed for diving aims. This ship could be moving about 10-12 knot from Sorong Harbor to Dampier Strait in Raja Ampat area.

One of the most famous in Raja Ampat is Sardine Reef is located in Kri Island as the center of under sea water kingdom in the world. This area have two resorts managed by Max Ammer, a Holland who fallen love to Raja Ampat. The Kri Island is a diving spot and well known caused the various fishes is very amazing. Dr. Gerald R Allen has researched this place and notes there are 283 fishes here. The topography is slopping steep with the beautiful coral and fishes cluster. The fishes e.g. Kuwe, shark, Napoleon Wrasse, Barracuda, Giant Trevally, etc… Therefore, it is reasonable if this place called as the Paradise of seawater world. More over this island have 537 corals and representative 75% of corals in the world, 828 fishes, according to the survey and research by world’s ecosystem official.

If you go to this place in full moon, beside look the beautiful of moon you will be greeting by dolphin cluster as long as your travel to Raja Ampat which jump and swim at ship side. As information the cost to visit this place from Sorong about US$200 by speed boat (10-15 persons).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Agung Mount as a Bali Tourism

Agung mount
is the highest peak on Bali Island with 3142 meters above the sea water level. It is located in Kecamatan Rendang, Kabupaten Karangasem-Bali. This mount is a volcano type, has huge crater, and sometimes produce smoke and steam.

A destructive eruption occurred in 1963. Victims were killed by flow of magma about 820 persons, ejected glowing rock fragments and volcanic ash falls about 163 persons, and 165 persons were killed by lahars. However, today that area saves for the visitor, although the magma activity still active. In the morning you could enjoy the beautiful scenery in around of Agung mount, fresh air with misty area. There is no word we should say than "How beautiful is it".

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Indonesia Tourism PlaceNational Sea Park of Bunaken

National Sea Park of Bunaken is an island with 8.08 km² in Manado Bay. It is located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken Island could be taken about 30 minutes by speedboat from Manado as the capital town of North Sulawesi Province.

The Indonesia tourism place is the most famous in this area is national sea park of Bunaken. It is a place to do Scuba diving and done in 5 small islands. They are Manado Tua, Bunaken, Siladen, Mantehage, and Naen Island. National sea park of Bunaken has 20 diving spot with various depths until 1.344 meters. From 20 diving spot, 12 point of them is very crowded by the visitors caused the beautiful scenery of the sea world.

Beside of that, Bunaken National Sea Park offers beautiful scenery and various animals. There are about 91 of fish e.g. gusumi fish (Hippocampus kuda), white oci (Seriola rivoliana), yellow tail lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps dan Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila gasi (Scolopsis bilineatus), etc… for Mollusca class the visitors could find Tridacna gigas, Cassis cornuta, nautilus pompillius, and tunikateslasdician.

It is well known as green area too caused the mangrove tree as long as the beach and become the habitats of crabs, various birds, and algae. There are 13 beautiful lives coral and the most interesting is vertical coral with 25-50 meters length.

Indonesia Tourism PlaceTanakita Camping 5 stars camp

Tanakita camp is located in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. The location is very beautiful with mount at around of it but the cost is more expensive. That is about US$35/person for a night.

The cost includes another activities e.g. tracking to Situgunung Lake and waterfall area, farming, Flying fox, etc… This place is very suit to spend your holiday with your family or doing company gathering. In the morning, you can spend your time by observing the animals in the forest by using binocular. You could observe it by using boat through of lake.

I just want to say this one is the new Indonesia Tourism in West Java but so beautiful place.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Indonesia Tourism PlaceBali is the Best Tourism Island in Asia Pacific

A magazine has been awarding Indonesia tourism as the best tourism Place in Asia Pacific. The tourism place, which get award, is Bali Island. Bali island get this award caused the visitor could be getting almost all tourism places there from mount, beach, cultural tourism, furniture unique product, waterfall, lakes, flower parks, ancient building, etc... All of the tourism place there could be found in Bali.

The magazine of DestinAsia as the Asia Pacific tourism magazine based in Hong Kong awarded Bali Island as The Best Island according to the reader pooling, since February 2008 to February 2009. Since 2006 DestinAsia has been five times nominate Bali as the winner. This award will be making Bali improve the facilities there by keeping the image as the best island and the most wanted tourism In Asia Pacific region.

According to the official of Indonesia Tourism department, Bali Island has been getting 25 awards in International level since 1998 and it is given caused the unique and the natural beautiful of Bali Island.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Indonesia Tourism PlaceBatik Truth the Indonesia, not Malaysia!

Batik in two years last has become controversial. As long as this, we only know if Batik coming from Indonesia but how Malaysia could claim it (read paragraph three). Let me tell you the truth history about Batik in Indonesia. Batik spread and made of by Javanese ethnic in 17th, 18th and 19th Century in Java Island, Indonesia. In fact at the first time batik only uses by the Nobleman or the Kingdom family but because of the change cultural civilization batik could used by everyone. For the example, Batik in Yogyakarta has known since the Mataram Monarchy led by Panembahan Senopati and then distribute to their servant and soldier. Their batik using “Sidomukti” and “Sidoluruh” pattern and it is so beautiful.

In the colonialism era, well known as Diponegoro battle against the Netherlands, make batik spread as long as Indonesia area because of that new variant of Batik appears. It is happened in 18th century. The Batik sample are combination Solo batik and Yogya Batik, Mojokerto batik, Tulungagung batik, Gresik, Surabaya, and Madura batik in eastern of Java, and Western Java Batik are well known in Banyumas, Pekalongan, Tegal and Cirebon.

Now maybe the reader will be asking how Malaysia claims it. Malaysian claims if Batik come from their country caused they are not realize if Indonesian brings batik first time come to their country. Indonesian brings batik to Malaysia to be sold there and some of them become the Malaysian citizen that is why there is Batik in Malaysia. So we could conclude that Indonesian bring influence so big to this country especially in clothes and cultural. If Malaysian said that is wrong, I could give evidence. What is the evidence? The evidence is the ex of Prime Minister of Malaysia " Abdullah Ahmad Badawi" in fact is Indonesian caused his grandpa from Indonesia. Don’t you believe it? Just ask him.

Indonesia Tourism PlaceThe White Crater of Ciwidey

Ciwidey is a mount tourism place in Bandung. It is located in Patuha mount hillside, Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It is about 46 km from Bandung City as the Capital town of West Java. The white crater Ciwedey is the most interesting place in this location and it is about 2194 meter above sea water level. The crater made of by the explosion of Patuha mount in 1000-2000 but it has been stable and there is no magma activity since 1600.

At the early no body want to visit it caused the villagers at this area believes that the white Ciwedey crater is sacred place. They believe caused there is no animals lives at around that place. However, in 19th century a Dutchmen named Junghun visit that place and talk the reason why no animals live at around it. He releases his argument that the areas full by the thick fumaroles sulfur produce decay smell and white color at the crater, that is why the bird reluctant to fly above it.

The temperature at Ciwedey crater could be 10 degree Celsius at the day and 5 degree at night but it is only happened in July until August. According to the visitor who are come to this place, they cannot stay longer caused the temperature is so cold and add by the flow of the wind. It is suit place to relax and spending our holiday with our family. The white Patuha Crater (Ciwedey) in fact is a lake around the cliff and in other side be a slope slightly like a beach. The most things is very unique from this place is the color of the water could be change depends on the mineral there. Sometimes it is white, green or blue. More over not only white crater you could visit but also not far from there, you could get the strawberry garden so you could refresh and taste it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Indonesia Tourism PlaceCome and Join to “Sail Bunaken 2009” in Marine Paradise of Bunaken Sea

Great event will be held in Indonesia to increase the tourism income sector that is Sail Bunaken 2009 (August 2009). The Ministry of Marine and Fishery Affairs, Provincial Administration of North Sulawesi supported by government institutions of Indonesia, organize “Sail Bunaken 2009”. The largest event of the year 2009 offers strategic business opportunities for various products and services. Sail Bunaken as the main event but also the visitors could not only join and come to there more over, they could participate in diving festival, yacht rally, Sandeq race, jet sky tournament, etc.

International event "Sail Bsunaken 2009" as the great event for the sailor men to get new experience and exploring the marine beauty along with the marine lovers from all over the world in a spirit of adventure, graced by the marine paradise of Bunaken Sea.

The last information report that the Sailing pass taken route from Bitung to Manado city and as complete plan could be seen at below.

Activity plan:
1. Yacht Rally
2. Manado Bay Festival
3. Jet Ski Tournament
4. Fleet Review
5. Bunaken Carnival
6. Sandeq Boat Race
7. Sailing Pass
8. Bunaken Diving Festival
9. Gala Dinner.

The Largest and Integrated International Marine Event in 2009

Name of Events: Sail Bunaken 2009
Dates : August 12 - 20, 2009
Venue : Bunaken Sea Park, Manado - North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Agenda :
• Expo & Show
• Carnival & Festival
• Tournament
• Rally & Race
• Touring & Diving
• Fun & Games

Key Activities
Yacht rally route starting from East Nusa Tenggara to Bitung in North Sulawesi. The participants from about 10 countries content of Indonesia.
Static parade of Warships and Tall ships from all participants, continued opening Session allowing the public to come aboard the ships.
Parade of sailing ships, from Manado city to Bitung.
Exhibition of marine, sporting tourism products, entertainment and games (traditional public party)
Marine development show-off, participated by various provinces of Indonesia and the participating ships at the Boulevard along the Manado Beach.
International diving festival participated by International divers and fleet review participants.

International Jet Ski competition.
Sailing race by Sulawesi traditional speed schooners.

Date & Event
August 09-12, 2009.
Warships, Tall ships, Yacht Arrived at Bitung, North Sulawesi.
August 13, 2009.
Welcome Party by Mayor of Bitung.
August 16, 2009
Bunaken Carnival
August 14 - 17, 2009
August 14 - 16, 2009
a)Diving Tournament at Bunaken
b)Dinghy Race at Manado Bay (TBA)
c)Jet ski Rally From Makassar to Manado (TBC)
d)Sandeq Race (TBA)
August 19, 2009
Sail Parade at Selat Lembeh. All Vessels are Salute to the President of The Republic of Indonesia
August 20, 2009
All Vessels Leave Bitung.
More info: Click here